Leadership Reckoning
Can Higher Education Develop the Leaders We Need?

Since its inception, higher education in the U.S. has claimed to develop leaders. This bold claim appears in college mission statements and mottos, and it is reinforced in recruiting materials and ad campaigns. But is this claim justified? Leadership Reckoning takes to task American colleges and universities for their haphazard, incoherent, evidence-free approaches to developing students as leaders and offers a principle-driven, outcome-oriented blueprint for how effective leader development can occur. Higher education has both the opportunity and the responsibility to take leader development seriously and create the leaders we need. It’s high time that happens, and Leadership Reckoning points the way.
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About the Authors
Thomas Kolditz, Ph.D, is the director of the Doerr Institute for New Leaders at Rice University, named top university program in 2019 by the Association of Leadership Educators. In 2017, he received the Warren Bennis Award for Excellence in Leadership and has ranked among the top 25 global coaches for three years. A retired Army Brigadier General, he led the Department of Behavioral Sciences and Leadership at West Point for 12 years, and for 4 years he was the founding director of the Leader Development Program at the Yale School of Management. He founded the Doerr Institute for New Leaders at Rice University in 2015—his fifth successful leader development start-up.
Libby Gill is CEO of Los Angeles-based leadership consulting and coaching firm Libby Gill & Company. She is an award-winning author and former Dallas Morning News columnist. Libby is the former head of communications for the television divisions of Sony, Universal, and Turner Broadcasting. She serves as Vice Chair of the Board of Directors of Didi Hirsch Mental Health Services, founder of the nation’s first suicide prevention center.
Ryan Brown, Ph.D, is the managing director for measurement at the Doerr Institute for New Leaders, where he oversees all research and assessment initiatives to help the Institute determine what works and what doesn’t across its programs. Prior to working at the Doerr Institute, he was the L. J. Semrod Presidential Professor of Psychology at The University of Oklahoma, where he was a co-founder of the Institute for the Study of Human Flourishing. In addition to publishing numerous scientific articles and book chapters, he is also the author of Honor Bound: How a Cultural Ideal Has Shaped the American Psyche (Oxford, 2016).